This exactly how cheating spouses need to be busted.it happened on the 21 of october 2010 on on national radio.it is quite sad.have a listen.
This whole incident unfolded via a call made from one of our local radio stations. This lady gets busted for cheating on husband with the boss. This is how the conversation went. I tried my best to write down the conversation.

Download the Audio file from here Oh My God

bla bla bla

Shiko: "Your boss"
Agnes: "Ok"
Shiko: " I think we met last year sometime"
Agnes: "Yes, We did"
Shiko: "Now, the reason am calling is because of my husband. Ave been hearing some things about you and him"
Agnes: "What have u been hearing?"
Shiko: "Been hearing that your relationship is a bit more than just a working one"
Agnes: "No no no no no that's not true at all"
Shiko: "Yo not having an affair with my husband?"
Agnes: "Noo..No, I can't do such a thing"
Shiko: "Now Agnes, There's something u need to understand I haven't called you to fight with you."
Agnes: "m mm"
Shiko: "I haven't even called you to make any accusations."
Agnes: "m mm"
Shiko: "I have just called to give you some information which I think is going to help you. You know am a saved woman"
Agnes: "m mm"
Shiko: "And I let the Lord guide me in all the decisions I make and everything I do"
Agnes: "m mm
Shiko: "And that's the reason am calling you. Am just calling to warn you"
Agnes: "uh huh"
Shiko: "That my husband has been diagnosed with something very serious"
Agnes: "Whats what is it?
Shiko: "He is HIV +ve"
Agnes: "Ghai...Are u serious?"
Shiko: "He is +ve, he has also infected me, am also +ve"
Agnes: (sigh)
Shiko: "So when I heard that there's something may be possibly happening with the two of you I thought, oh no... not another person(Agnes: "Oh my God") to have to live like the way I am"
Agnes: "Oh my God........Oh my God"
Agnes: "I don't know what to te...Oh my God!!"
Shiko: "I told you its not a fight I was just concerned about you and your well being"
Agnes: "Oh my God"
Agnes: "I don't....Oh my God"
Shiko: "Have you been using any protection with him?"
Agnes: "No, Oh my God"
Shiko: "I suggest you go and get tested because...(Agnes: "Oh no")...am so sorry but"
Agnes: "Oh my God"
Shiko: (sigh) "Thats the situation and I just wanted you to know"
Agnes: "Oh my God (breath in)...Oh my God"
Shiko: "Am even here with my doctor, why don't u talk to him, he will give u more information"
Agnes: (sigh)
Agnes' Hubby: "Hallo"
Agnes: "Yes"
Agnes' Hubby: "Are you......Are you serious?
Agnes: "Who am I speaking to"
Agnes' Hubby: "Agnes who...Agnes r u serious?"
Agnes: "Oh my God"
Agnes' Hubby: "What? Stop saying Oh my God. Are you serious
Agnes: "Uh...."
Agnes' Hubby: "What?
Agnes: "Its its not what you thinking"
Agnes' Hubby: "What do u mean? Ave heard everything"
Agnes: "Oh my God..wh...am confused..whats going on?"
Agnes' Hubby: "Don't ask...don't talk to me like that..wh...uh..nkt!!
Agnes: "I I don't know whats going on please"
Agnes' Hubby: "Ok wait wait ..what?"
Agnes: "Oh my God"
beep beep beep(Agnes disconnects phone).........


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