ExoReality Festival Experience and Fuck the Police & DC10 Ent

I happened to attend the Exoreality festival in Nairobi where Hard Rock Sofa were performing for two days. But due to financial constraints I could only afford to go for only one day which happened to be Saturday. The fact that it was a well known group of producers I thought that the place would be packed more that it was. I honestly think I could count the number of people that were at the event, not more than 300 individuals, of which 280 of them were high school kids. This event was supposed to be called Kids (in Really Short Dresses) Festival. I have to also admit these high school kids are really hot and promiscuous (don’t get it twisted, I don’t have a problem with that, in fact way to go) but also they are the brokest (if there is such a word) bitches I have ever seen in my motherfucking life. None of the ones I met could afford drinks, some of them In the morning didn’t even have bus fare (but they practiced their whoring skills well, kudos to them).

Enough about the kids already, I have a bone to pick with the event organizers, DC10 Entertainment. They did a very shoddy job of providing security for the few revelers that they had. A friend of mine was robbed just outside the grounds and there were police who were just sitting at the gate not doing shit. The cops had guns and they were chilling with the bouncers, I was wondering if they were there to shoot people who tried to gain entry illegally. Even after the reporting the mugging to them they just sat there without a care in the world. Anyway FUCK THE POLICE!!!!

Another problem I have is the fact that, the organizers had made it clear that upon purchase of a ticket, one was supposed to be given a glow in the dark wrist band. I am not sure what their definition of a glow in the dark wrist band is but I am certain what they gave us as a band was just a piece of carbon paper with a ticket number and it most definitely didn’t glow in the dark. Unless my eyesight is failing me, which probably isn’t the case. Also they were to give out glow in the dark marvins to people who had purchased a seasons ticket for Ksh. 2500. They had marvins alright but they didn’t glow and they had really weird paint markings on them. I want to assume that the paint was supposed to glow but it didn’t and yet again I don’t think my eyesight is failing me. Nobody was picking the marvins til at the break of dawn they just put them out for anyone to pick. Useless Bastards!!!!!

The Hard Rock Sofa Set (not a couch, ok.) wasn’t bad, it actually was the only nice thing all night that is apart for the really fly girls.


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