What do you think when you see two girls in front of you holding hands and swinging them? Nothing I assume. But what if you happen to see two dudes holding hands in front of you, what come to your mind? They are so gay. Now I think you understand what I am trying to talk about and also you know where am headed at.

So why is is wrong for us to do some things and if they are done by girls its just fine. Take for instance two men cant come out of the washrooms at a bar smiling. Evil thoughts will starting fill each and every person's mind who has seen you. Some time ago I was with some of m girlfriends and then my lips felt dry and I took out my lip balm outta my pocket and rubbed it on my lips. Guess what I was told “that's so gay”. How the f*** can a dude carrying lip balm be gay. Aren't we also supposed to feel and look beautiful/handsome. And that has happened twice but please give me a break.

Why cant I wear a pink shirt without a chic telling me that its cute and gay. Who made pink a gay mans color? Nobody. Or is it because it is preferred by girls. But that does not mean straight men cant wear it. We have been given preference of choice of color. Will a girl be a lesbian by wearing blue which is a color preferred by dudes? No, I don't think so. But one piece of clothing I know is not so straight is a pink sweater. Truly that is very weird. As in seriously how can one wear a pink sweater? I simply don't understand.

Even on Facebook this gay shit is there and pretty much haunted me when I first joined it. I had just joined Facebook when one of my lady friends sent me a group invitation to a group that had a name like' if you poke me, it means you wanna have sex with me'. And in this group there were some sort of rules of when you can and cant poke, who you can and cant poke. Among these rules there was one really disturbing rule which said 'a dude cant poke a dude because it shows that you want to have sex with him hence making you to be gay'. Although I had never used the poke button yet I vowed never to use it on a dude, even when a dude poked me I would reply on his wall. Over time the dude poke declined until these days I don't get poked by dudes.

Still on Facebook, you will rarely find a guy writing another guy an Inbox. Why? The chics have lead us into believing that it is just wrong. Personally I have been so corrupted that I can only write on a dude's wall or status update. On Facebook, it is OK for chics to be married to each other but I have never seen dudes who have done that because that will be a very huge risk to his reputation especially with the chics who will constantly be talking about how gay they are.

When you go to bars two honestly straight dudes just cant dance together facing each other without people around them raising eyebrows while honestly straight chics can do that at ease and even make out in the process.

Why are all these things that I have written about the way they are? It is because the females have made them to be that way. They have manipulated us and corrupted our minds totally. Logically as a dude your main worry if you do any of these things is what the chics will think, and oh yes, they will most definitely think the worst of it.

Please comment whatever that is on your mind and also add any more situations which the females have demonised us guys.


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